Today Tim’s Birthday!

He is so cute for me. But, not cool:)

He is charming.

He is so sensitive to the people that he loves.

He is successful in his bussiness; very hard working man. (I didn’t see anybody like him before.)

He is just a traveller, travels all the time. Even today, on his birthday, he is in abroad for work:(

I love to be with him;

Because has a gorgeous smile!

Because he is looking at me very gently!

Because he is so close and sincere to me and to my precious!

Happy and Long Years To You Tim.

Today Tim’s Birthday!” hakkında 2 yorum bulunuyor:

  1. Umut Lale

    To Tim (Timuçin);
    Whenever I see Tim’s face or even hear his name from Dilara, my mouth opens from both side through to my ears and I start to smile. Because he does have a very pretty smile with a very smooth teeth :).Hey Tim, You are the kind of person that give positive energy to your environment, and make us so relax and comfortable when we are around you.
    Whatever your goal or wish is for your future, I hope it will happen with a peace as soon as possible.
    Happy Birthday Tim
    Umut Lale

  2. Aysun

    Mutlu Yaşlar, Happy Birthday, Bonne Fete (French- Canada),Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu (Japanese), Buon Compleanno(Italian), Huttida Habba Subashayagalu(Kannada-India)
    Thank you for your permanent friendship also beatiful flowers.


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